Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!! A New 2017!! New Beginnings!!

New beginnings are divine gifts from God to introspect and keep us honest! Every minute is a new beginning but a New Beginning in the New Year is a great opportunity thrust on us by the society at large and it will be shame to just let it pass by.

I have worked in 5 countries over my 20 year career - made my share of mistakes. Some of them turned out to be the best mistakes, which made me realize how the forces of nature disposes every plan that I ever made. After having endured over 7 cross-country moves, 17 house-moves, 3-house purchases (3 different countries), 11 schools for my children, one thing that struck me was that I was not afraid of making mistakes. Was I smart or wise to move around like this? No. But, the life lessons that we have learnt as a family is simply priceless. 

After this incredible journey, the other side of the grass is no longer green. I found out who I really am. To some extend, I could sense the purpose of my existence. Finally, I reached the dreaded finish line - conquering the fear of death. When I tell this to my friends, I get this ‘you are a crazy fool’ look. Yeah, overcoming fear through every single minute of your life can only be experienced. And this, to me, gives a great sense of accomplishment as I had the rare opportunity to make peace with myself. I believe, the credit goes to the constant-change-and-adaptation and Yoga

I bumped into Yoga in Oman ( and was mesmerized by its awesome power to build mental strength to face anything in life.  Yoga provided the platform to find closure to many of my life’s pursuits.

Finally, my “connect the dots” moment (in my small world) was the realization that all the turn-of-events in my life was to steer me closer towards my Christian Faith

The pivotal points that helped me connect the dots - “cross-country moves” were to awaken the dying spirit; “Yoga” as a tool to find calmness, peace and clarity in mind in order to parse through my thoughts, frame by frame and find closure; and “Faith”, to conquer fear, even to the extent of overcoming the fear of death.

As I was reflecting on my life with Kavi (my Career Coach and best friend), I was hard on myself for not having accomplished as much as I should have. Kavi would encourage me to pat myself on the back for certain significant accomplishments (in his view) and focus on the steps to be taken for a brighter tomorrow. 

New Beginnings! In the New 2017!

Live Well. Laugh Often. Love Much.

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