In Golf, the phrase "Reading The Green" refers to determining the path which the ball will take on its way to the hole by analyzing the contour and texture of the green. I could not think of a better topic as this blog is to toss ideas and trigger comments from anyone.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
No more "Hail Mary"
A "Hail Mary pass" or "Hail Mary play" in American football refers to any very long forward pass made in desperation with only a small chance of success, especially at or near the end of a half.
Some people get an easy ride in life and fail to realize the worthiness of what they have. Such peole with a cushy job and a flashy life style may not appreciate what they have that others strive and slog for. I am not being judgemental here. I am talking from personal experience. Talking about people with "no gratitude in life" and "no pain, a lot of gain", I am happy for them, but I do not envy them. For starters, why talk about others, try me 10 years back in Boston. I clearly qualified in this category 10 years back. Been there....done that....nothing much to be proud of. I remember throwing "Hail Mary" all the time and it worked all the time!! It is just that I did not know that I was throwing "Hail Mary" as I had been a Happy-Go-Lucky guy. My critics never had the last word, unfortunately. I wish Tom Brady had a success rate like that......Go Patriots!!
But, this good fortune has to stop someday, right? And, when it stops, the world comes crashing down. And the pain?? It is a terrible jolt that will leave a permanent imprint in your mind that will haunt you for ever.
What's next? What do you do now? I guess that is what defines our character and, ultimately, our lives. Yes, you fell down hard. You just get back on your feet and run again. Your body is not fit enough to match the burning sensation of resilience in your mind. You had not upgraded your skills in your Happy-Go-Lucky life for a long time. You took the foot off the gas pedal. But, now, it is time to endure the pain and get used to fear. The transformation process is so amazing and painful.
Perhaps, it is easy to lie to your friends or lie to your family, as you believe that they will forgive you. But, if you lie to yourself, you will never forgive yourself. I guess, this is the most difficult part of the transformation that will haunt you for the rest of your life. And, the transformation costs dearly in both tangible and intangible ways!!
Ultimately, you ignite the transformation process and, hopefully, the evolution of this newly-hard-earned attitude will cease to gyrate only on the day when we depart for the better world. If not, then we still have not learnt our lesson. As the saying goes....perhaps, it is okay to lose, but when you lose don't lose the lesson.
Having worked in different cultures/continents, the other side of the grass is no longer green to me. I know what I want (to a greater extent). Now, having worked in the Middle East for sometime, I am a bit shocked to see the expats living a very lethargic life, oblivious to the rulthless capitalistic world out there. These folks (blessed, in a way) seldom had to throw "Hail Mary" for over 20 or 30 years. Yes, they have had their share of problems, especially in the health front, but they have had such a peaceful, pleasant and enjoyable family life that is still a dream-come-true for many expats living in the Western world. Trust me, I know it is true!! But, frankly, having learnt my lesson, I will not dare to venture into another Happy-Go-Lucky phase.
Perhaps, my transformation is put to test in an environment where there is hardly any motivation or inspiration. (Please bear with my boasting. It is truly a sense of joy.) Talking about test results, I have made tremendous progress: My weekly 10km runs, my recent 17km run, my 1km swimming, blogging, my target of doing a half marathon this year, I am VP-Public Relations at my Toastmasters Club, my weekly write-up for the Toastmasters Club (, progress in the certification/professional front, great progress in the family/personal/relationship front (perhaps, the best of all).
One of the most important lessons that I have learnt in my transformation process is "Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life.”
In today's world, most of us will need to throw a "Hail Mary" soon, as the world is bracing for the impact of the world-economic-tsunami that the world has never seen before and, even worse, there are no solutions even from the gurus yet. As Thomas Friedman blogs: the European Union is cracking up. The Arab world is cracking up. China’s growth model is under pressure and America’s credit-driven capitalist model has suffered a warning heart attack and needs a total rethink. Recasting any one of these alone would be huge. Doing all four at once — when the world has never been more interconnected — is mind-boggling. We are again “present at the creation” — but of what?
Let us not stop working and remember to enjoy the journey. Meanwhile, let us prepare ourselves for the "Hail Mary", if required, but at the same time be grateful and enjoy every precious moment of our lives with passion.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Live with passion
The traditional custom of ‘Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’ was broken when the 2011 World Championship of Public Speaking was webcast live (for the first time ever) from Las Vegas, across the earth. One of the contestants, Kwong Yue Yang of China (Second Place Winner), struck a chord in me with his speech, “Fortune Cookie”, in which he talked about discovering our passions by ourselves rather than aping successful people. Kwong, having received millions of free advice from many, got the best advice ever from a fortune cookie: a piece of paper with nothing written on it. The theme being: one has to discover oneself and not ape someone. The movie, Kungfu Panda revolves around the same theme. And, last but not the least, my favorite movie, “3 idiots” conveys just that.
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. – Oprah Winfrey
Well said. It is something that gives you a high and keeps you ticking. Even until a few years back, I remember moments in my life when I had felt empty with no excitement although it was weekend or I had nothing to worry about. The moment deserved excitement, but it was empty. Then, I never understood that emptiness and I had always wondered why. Thanks to one of my best friends who turned my life around by helping me discover my passions (blogging, marathon) and my life has never been the same again since then. No matter how bad the circumstance is, I know exactly which string to be pulled to get my spirits high. I travel to my world of passions to experience the “high” that fills the emptiness and the excitement emits so much energy that you become restless which lands me in another dilemma: from emptiness to excitement, you want to do so many things but wonder where to start.
On my recent trip to my native village in India, I came across a few enchanting people who have escaped the corporate rat race, have been blessed with flexible work times, don’t have to commute in a bumper-to-bumper traffic every day and lead an organic lifestyle (pretty much). The best part of it all is that they do not work rather they do what excites them the most: their passions. These fascinating people who have chosen their passions as their professions - Sea farers, teachers, businessmen, businesswomen, musicians, social workers, and teachers – lead an envious life and the excitement is written all over their faces anytime you meet them. One thing that they all have in common is their unshakeable conviction and positive attitude towards life.
It’s incredible!!
In the movie, “Serendipity”, John Cussack’s buddy says to him, "The Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: Did he have passion?" True or not, it is a powerful statement that intrigues anyone.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Turning 40!!
Turning 40!! Getting naughty!! Well, many of my friends and relatives teased me on my 40th birthday. And, I wondered why?! A lot has changed since I looked (young) the way I felt (young). It all seems like yesterday, but 2 decades of adult life has gone past in just a flash. All of a sudden in life, you feel a pause as if it was destined to happen to awaken you from the dream. Man, it is a rude awakening!! Friends of my age, who used to goof around all the time get philosophical over a drink. You start receiving wedding invitations from babies that you used to carry around several years back. Your own kids start talking about their plans for their teen life!! And, that does it. The last big bang of the bell reverberates through your ears so much that you start looking exactly (old) the way you feel (old). Welcome to the 40s!!
A sense of wisdom seeps in your life and you feel a bit serene. At times you start questioning your own convictions on "life" based on which you had taken many critical decisions in your life. You feel that you have not achieved anything although you have not done all that bad. You muster courage to face all the mistakes in life and let go most of the timid false-beliefs or empty-pride. When your kids are old enough to reason over an argument with you, they help you confront your own deepest secrets or weaknesses. Unlocking those gates of darkness gives a sense of comfort and freedom that makes you feel enlightened. Ultimately, you loosen up a lot!!
A very close friend of mine who is a quintessential person of the Catholic Faith (even during the school days), used to intrigue me with his unquestioned, unconditional faith. I never understood his convictions of faith very much many years back, but now I could relate to what he was talking about and it has made an amazing impact in my life. I feel completely free and no fear (almost). The altitude and the horizon of your comprehensive capabilities on the bigger aspects of life gets higher and wider that you start drawing parallels between this blind faith and the ideas that you come across everyday. One of my favorite attitudes (parallel drawn) from the movie, 3 idiots, is the "Aal iz well". Incredibly simple, yet amazing!! It guarantees to get rid of fear in your mind, like the blind faith. And, I wish I had had this faith 20 years back when my close friend used to shower me with plethora of faith related information with an earnest intention of saving another soul (mine).
Although I wanted to be an Engineer even as a kid, I wonder why I wanted to become an Engineer. I wish I had explored other areas of interest rather than to have just followed the crowd (in a way). The movie, 3 idiots, has been an eye opener for many youngsters and "Aamir Khan" is more of a cult these days. Glad to see a cult-trend for something good. It has definitely been an eye openner for me!! The movie does not portray something that is new or revolutionary, but it is just that we have never dared to digress from our conventions. I just loved the last phrase of the entire movie that sums up all: If you chase excellence, success will chase you with its pants down.
Especially, on the "woman" front, you wonder: Oh man, only if I had known so much about women 20 years back!! I am sure a lot of guys my age can relate to it.
For many years until I hit 40, I looked (young) the way I felt (young) and, at 40, after the wisdom has suddently dawned on me during the fateful pause-in-life, I definitely look (old) the way I feel (old). But, hey, it does not matter. In a nutshell, as long the spirit is young we never age. And, to feel young one needs to set challenges every single day to feel alive every moment and raise the bar for the next day. I pat myself on my back to cheer myself for having attained the right attitude at 40 for attitude and not aptitude will determine our altitude.
A sense of wisdom seeps in your life and you feel a bit serene. At times you start questioning your own convictions on "life" based on which you had taken many critical decisions in your life. You feel that you have not achieved anything although you have not done all that bad. You muster courage to face all the mistakes in life and let go most of the timid false-beliefs or empty-pride. When your kids are old enough to reason over an argument with you, they help you confront your own deepest secrets or weaknesses. Unlocking those gates of darkness gives a sense of comfort and freedom that makes you feel enlightened. Ultimately, you loosen up a lot!!
A very close friend of mine who is a quintessential person of the Catholic Faith (even during the school days), used to intrigue me with his unquestioned, unconditional faith. I never understood his convictions of faith very much many years back, but now I could relate to what he was talking about and it has made an amazing impact in my life. I feel completely free and no fear (almost). The altitude and the horizon of your comprehensive capabilities on the bigger aspects of life gets higher and wider that you start drawing parallels between this blind faith and the ideas that you come across everyday. One of my favorite attitudes (parallel drawn) from the movie, 3 idiots, is the "Aal iz well". Incredibly simple, yet amazing!! It guarantees to get rid of fear in your mind, like the blind faith. And, I wish I had had this faith 20 years back when my close friend used to shower me with plethora of faith related information with an earnest intention of saving another soul (mine).
Although I wanted to be an Engineer even as a kid, I wonder why I wanted to become an Engineer. I wish I had explored other areas of interest rather than to have just followed the crowd (in a way). The movie, 3 idiots, has been an eye opener for many youngsters and "Aamir Khan" is more of a cult these days. Glad to see a cult-trend for something good. It has definitely been an eye openner for me!! The movie does not portray something that is new or revolutionary, but it is just that we have never dared to digress from our conventions. I just loved the last phrase of the entire movie that sums up all: If you chase excellence, success will chase you with its pants down.
Especially, on the "woman" front, you wonder: Oh man, only if I had known so much about women 20 years back!! I am sure a lot of guys my age can relate to it.
For many years until I hit 40, I looked (young) the way I felt (young) and, at 40, after the wisdom has suddently dawned on me during the fateful pause-in-life, I definitely look (old) the way I feel (old). But, hey, it does not matter. In a nutshell, as long the spirit is young we never age. And, to feel young one needs to set challenges every single day to feel alive every moment and raise the bar for the next day. I pat myself on my back to cheer myself for having attained the right attitude at 40 for attitude and not aptitude will determine our altitude.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Basic steps to survive the cyber menace
One day my friend posted obscene and hurtful messages on the facebook-walls of his close friends. Well, that is according to Facebook. But, in fact, he did not!! Welcome to the untamed world of internet. My friend’s facebook credentials were compromised by a hacker and the rest is history. Thanks to the automated security controls of Facebook, my friend was alerted to reset his password. However, the damage was already done. It is not uncommon to hear thousands of similar incidents everyday around us and yet the awareness among the public is shockingly dismal to the extent of people sticking a post-it, with userid/password written on it, on the computer monitor.
Information Security is more like Global Warming which is a disaster waiting to happen and the world citizens are not prepared to face the inconvenient truth. In today’s world, although there is an overload of information over the web, especially pertaining to real-life security incidents, it is natural for readers to be attracted towards more entertaining Hollywood websites. Who cares until it hits me? Right?
Furthermore, thanks to the advancement of the bad guys, the dangers of Information Security is convoluted with terms like Malware, Spyware, Trojan Horse, Virus, Worm, Spam, Firewalls, IDS, IPS etc. It is simply mindboggling even for most of the IT geeks to get a perspective of this ocean of threats that we humans have created for ourselves in the name of advancement.
Gone are the years when cybercrime used to be a school kid’s amusement park for pranks. Today, cybercrime is a lucrative business that has got the attention of even the underworld dons and the organized crime sector. According to SC Magazine, cybercrime costs organizations $3.8 million per year on average. The overall cost to the UK economy from cybercrime is £27bn per year, according to the first joint Government and industry report. It is estimated that Data theft and breaches from cybercrime may have cost businesses as much as $1 trillion globally (per year) in lost intellectual property and expenditures for repairing the damage.
This is the plight of the big guns around the globe. Now, think of the commoner who uses an old PC at home to browse the internet. Well, the answer is obvious.
A commoner who is oblivious to the technology will be inclined to blame it all on technology. On the contrary, it is the human weakness/aspect that creates all these vulnerabilities. Most of the cybercrimes committed are because of the victims who do not take precautionary steps to protect their information.
Forget the convoluted jargons and technology. As a commoner, there are simple precautionary steps that can be taken to secure the adventure in to the World Wide Web. Here it goes….
1. Install a good anti-virus software in your PC and keep it updated on a daily basis.
2. Create smart and strong passwords. Avoid the passwords relating to your personal life: family names, date of birth, pet name etc.
3. Be smart while chatting. The person who is chatting with you may not be as sweet as he or she seems to be. Do not reveal any personal information even to known people over chat forums.
4. Beware of Phishing Scams: While chatting with you friends, someone, posing as a Bank or Tax Authority, might ask for your IDs or passwords or any identification. Remember, Banks never approach their customers to get such information through chat forums.
5. Never give your passwords or pins even to Bank authorities. If the Bank authority is asking for such passwords, report them to higher authorities.
6. Pay attention to your children’s online activities. Predators do not have to break into your homes anymore. They can break in through the internet cables to reach out to your kids.
7. Online Shopping: Before you decide to use a website for shopping, ensure that the website has a “HackerSafe” logo with current date under it and a locked padlock at the bottom right of the checkout screen.
8. Never open an email from an unknown sender. Even if the sender is known to you, beware of clicking any links or downloading any attachments as the sender’s PC might be infected with virus.
9. Backup your files regularly.
10. While using online banking, always use the virtual keyboard for entering password. With Trojans, your keystrokes on the physical keyboard can be monitored to derive your userid and password. In this case, using virtual keyboards can protect you from Trojans.
11. If you have a wireless router, change the default password. If not, a terrorist can use your internet sitting in a car parked in front of your house and, rest assured, you will be jailed by the authorities.
For some, most of these precautions might sound trivial, but brunt force of cybercrime will not be felt until it really hits you. So, venture into the web responsibly.
Information Security is more like Global Warming which is a disaster waiting to happen and the world citizens are not prepared to face the inconvenient truth. In today’s world, although there is an overload of information over the web, especially pertaining to real-life security incidents, it is natural for readers to be attracted towards more entertaining Hollywood websites. Who cares until it hits me? Right?
Furthermore, thanks to the advancement of the bad guys, the dangers of Information Security is convoluted with terms like Malware, Spyware, Trojan Horse, Virus, Worm, Spam, Firewalls, IDS, IPS etc. It is simply mindboggling even for most of the IT geeks to get a perspective of this ocean of threats that we humans have created for ourselves in the name of advancement.
Gone are the years when cybercrime used to be a school kid’s amusement park for pranks. Today, cybercrime is a lucrative business that has got the attention of even the underworld dons and the organized crime sector. According to SC Magazine, cybercrime costs organizations $3.8 million per year on average. The overall cost to the UK economy from cybercrime is £27bn per year, according to the first joint Government and industry report. It is estimated that Data theft and breaches from cybercrime may have cost businesses as much as $1 trillion globally (per year) in lost intellectual property and expenditures for repairing the damage.
This is the plight of the big guns around the globe. Now, think of the commoner who uses an old PC at home to browse the internet. Well, the answer is obvious.
A commoner who is oblivious to the technology will be inclined to blame it all on technology. On the contrary, it is the human weakness/aspect that creates all these vulnerabilities. Most of the cybercrimes committed are because of the victims who do not take precautionary steps to protect their information.
Forget the convoluted jargons and technology. As a commoner, there are simple precautionary steps that can be taken to secure the adventure in to the World Wide Web. Here it goes….
1. Install a good anti-virus software in your PC and keep it updated on a daily basis.
2. Create smart and strong passwords. Avoid the passwords relating to your personal life: family names, date of birth, pet name etc.
3. Be smart while chatting. The person who is chatting with you may not be as sweet as he or she seems to be. Do not reveal any personal information even to known people over chat forums.
4. Beware of Phishing Scams: While chatting with you friends, someone, posing as a Bank or Tax Authority, might ask for your IDs or passwords or any identification. Remember, Banks never approach their customers to get such information through chat forums.
5. Never give your passwords or pins even to Bank authorities. If the Bank authority is asking for such passwords, report them to higher authorities.
6. Pay attention to your children’s online activities. Predators do not have to break into your homes anymore. They can break in through the internet cables to reach out to your kids.
7. Online Shopping: Before you decide to use a website for shopping, ensure that the website has a “HackerSafe” logo with current date under it and a locked padlock at the bottom right of the checkout screen.
8. Never open an email from an unknown sender. Even if the sender is known to you, beware of clicking any links or downloading any attachments as the sender’s PC might be infected with virus.
9. Backup your files regularly.
10. While using online banking, always use the virtual keyboard for entering password. With Trojans, your keystrokes on the physical keyboard can be monitored to derive your userid and password. In this case, using virtual keyboards can protect you from Trojans.
11. If you have a wireless router, change the default password. If not, a terrorist can use your internet sitting in a car parked in front of your house and, rest assured, you will be jailed by the authorities.
For some, most of these precautions might sound trivial, but brunt force of cybercrime will not be felt until it really hits you. So, venture into the web responsibly.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
My Second Speech......Have a blessed, garbage-free life!
I thought of sharing my second speech at Toasmasters. Hope you like it....Here it goes....
Wife: Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?
Husband: Sure darling, let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.
Toastmaster of the day, fellow toastmasters, distinguished guests…..Good evening….
That may perhaps sound like a joke but in sad reality it reflects the state of the institution of marriage today. Divorce statistics from around the world reveal that divorce is on the rise. And, India is no exception. A few years back, a divorce court in India looked like a haunted building. Now, it is one of the busiest buildings in any Indian city. Thanks to our modern India for having become the Outsourcing Hub of the world. There has been tremendous pressure on marriages in past few decades due to globalization that has induced foreign ideas across conservative cultures. Exposure to western culture triggers the human desire to explore the materialistic world. This leads to deterioration of value systems and cultures that were followed for thousands of years. And, then, the problem starts. In a nutshell, the environment that we live in creates those pressures and we gladly carry those bad energies with us home.
So, what do we do in such situations? Have we taken a moment to think about corrective steps when we lose our temper at home? Fellow Toastmasters, I would like to share a story with you today that made a radical impact on my perception of this troubled world. The name of the story is “The Law of the Garbage Truck”.
One day a man hopped in a taxi to get to the airport. The driver was driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of the taxi. The taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the black car whipped his head around and started yelling at the taxi driver. The man was infuriated. But the taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And, I mean, he was really friendly. The man was perplexed and asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when the taxi driver taught him a valuable lesson, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Fellow Toastmasters, today, people start the day by pointing a majestic finger….using the French vocabulary ….honking as an act of road rage…..ignoring you as you wave at them bombarding you with venomous email or morphed mms ….
If that sounds like a morning routine around the world, how much of a culprit are we in this? Actually, most of us are no less competitive. Even if it is our own fault, we have our own set of defensive-vocabulary-kits and tactics to pay such punks back. We would find an excuse for the day to be grumpy and generously share the irritation to anyone who dares to come in our way. And, nothing makes us happier than seeing those punks getting annoyed. And when we get married, we allow this to percolate into our married lives.
Fellow Toastmasters, let us change……let us be like the TAXI DRIVER….let us be wise and say, “No”, to garbage. Let us not be like the Garbage truck and make sure that we don’t carry garbage and spread it to other people because successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
So ... Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Life is ten percent “what you make it” and ninety percent “how you take it! “
Wife: Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?
Husband: Sure darling, let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.
Toastmaster of the day, fellow toastmasters, distinguished guests…..Good evening….
That may perhaps sound like a joke but in sad reality it reflects the state of the institution of marriage today. Divorce statistics from around the world reveal that divorce is on the rise. And, India is no exception. A few years back, a divorce court in India looked like a haunted building. Now, it is one of the busiest buildings in any Indian city. Thanks to our modern India for having become the Outsourcing Hub of the world. There has been tremendous pressure on marriages in past few decades due to globalization that has induced foreign ideas across conservative cultures. Exposure to western culture triggers the human desire to explore the materialistic world. This leads to deterioration of value systems and cultures that were followed for thousands of years. And, then, the problem starts. In a nutshell, the environment that we live in creates those pressures and we gladly carry those bad energies with us home.
So, what do we do in such situations? Have we taken a moment to think about corrective steps when we lose our temper at home? Fellow Toastmasters, I would like to share a story with you today that made a radical impact on my perception of this troubled world. The name of the story is “The Law of the Garbage Truck”.
One day a man hopped in a taxi to get to the airport. The driver was driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of the taxi. The taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the black car whipped his head around and started yelling at the taxi driver. The man was infuriated. But the taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And, I mean, he was really friendly. The man was perplexed and asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when the taxi driver taught him a valuable lesson, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Fellow Toastmasters, today, people start the day by pointing a majestic finger….using the French vocabulary ….honking as an act of road rage…..ignoring you as you wave at them bombarding you with venomous email or morphed mms ….
If that sounds like a morning routine around the world, how much of a culprit are we in this? Actually, most of us are no less competitive. Even if it is our own fault, we have our own set of defensive-vocabulary-kits and tactics to pay such punks back. We would find an excuse for the day to be grumpy and generously share the irritation to anyone who dares to come in our way. And, nothing makes us happier than seeing those punks getting annoyed. And when we get married, we allow this to percolate into our married lives.
Fellow Toastmasters, let us change……let us be like the TAXI DRIVER….let us be wise and say, “No”, to garbage. Let us not be like the Garbage truck and make sure that we don’t carry garbage and spread it to other people because successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
So ... Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Life is ten percent “what you make it” and ninety percent “how you take it! “
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Japanese, the quintessential symbol of compassion and resilience
Hurricane Katrina that ravaged eastern North America in 2005 was the deadliest hurricane since 1928 and the costliest natural disaster in US history. The impact: 1,836 died, USD 81.2 billion in damage, five years later thousands of displaced residents of Mississippi and Louisiana are still living in temporary accommodation. Shortly after the hurricane moved away, there were reports of carjacking, murders, thefts and rapes. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco said, “They have M16s and are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill and I expect they will“. To be fair, the US government did it's best in helping the affected people, considering the economic situation of the country at that time.
Hurricane Katrina seems like child-play compared to twin natural disasters and the resulting nuclear crisis that brought the entire Japan to a standstill. Two million Japanese were without electricity, and another 1.5 million were without running water. Up to 140,000 people living within 30 kilometres of the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant were under instruction to remain indoors, while 70,000 had already been forced to abandon their homes closer to the plant. Officials estimated the death toll will ultimately exceed 10,000.
But in spite of the overwhelming catastrophe, the Japanese reacted with a calm and positive attitude that is unusual to most of the cultures around the world. One of my friend’s friend who is living in Japan, gave a firsthand account of the grace, compassion, preparedness, planning and resilience that the Japanese demonstrated even during one of the darkest moments in Japanese history. Here it goes:
Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow has been elevated.
Disciplined queues for water and groceries.Not a rough word or a crude gesture.
The incredible architects, for instance, Buildings swayed but did not fall.
People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.
No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.
Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid.
Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.
The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.
They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.
When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly.
That’s incredible!!
Studies show that there is a logical reason behind the concerted resilience demonstrated by the Japanese. The sense of community is very powerful in Japan. The sense of individuality is never in the forefront of the Japanese culture. The Japanese culture is identified with a "cruise ship" more than a "ferry ride". A cruise ship is where the co-passengers are interacting and caring for each other where as it is more of business-as-usual in a ferry ride.
Most of the developed countries are founded on the basis of compassion for humanity. In comparison to an underdeveloped or a developing country, the developed countries definitely demonstrate more compassion for humanity with in and across its borders. However, the compassion and resilience that the Japanese have demonstrated over the past centuries stands out of any other culture in this world.
In 1923, earthquake in Tokyo killed 142,800 and then in 1995, earthquake in Kobe killed 6,400. The Japanese moved on with more energy.
Following their crushing defeat during the Second World War, sealed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the same dominating spirit was redirected to rebuilding the shattered country. Addressing the nation in 1945, Emperor Hirohito famously said that, "we have resolved to endure the unendurable and suffer what is insufferable". And indeed, that is exactly what happened as the Japanese sprung back to become a world-leading industrial powerhouse.
One might argue that most of the cultures are becoming melting-pots that dilutes the togetherness of a culture. We could give thousands of excuses, but there is something mysterious (apart from the logical reasoning) about the Japanese that helps them hold their heads high with dignity even duirng the darkest moments.
"Compassion" is just a word in many constitutions around the world, but the Japanese have proved that they eat, drink and breath "Compassion" as part of their daily lives and how powerful of a force that can be when the latest and the greatest bleeding-edged technologies are shattered by the mighty force of mother nature.
Hurricane Katrina seems like child-play compared to twin natural disasters and the resulting nuclear crisis that brought the entire Japan to a standstill. Two million Japanese were without electricity, and another 1.5 million were without running water. Up to 140,000 people living within 30 kilometres of the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant were under instruction to remain indoors, while 70,000 had already been forced to abandon their homes closer to the plant. Officials estimated the death toll will ultimately exceed 10,000.
But in spite of the overwhelming catastrophe, the Japanese reacted with a calm and positive attitude that is unusual to most of the cultures around the world. One of my friend’s friend who is living in Japan, gave a firsthand account of the grace, compassion, preparedness, planning and resilience that the Japanese demonstrated even during one of the darkest moments in Japanese history. Here it goes:
Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow has been elevated.
Disciplined queues for water and groceries.Not a rough word or a crude gesture.
The incredible architects, for instance, Buildings swayed but did not fall.
People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.
No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.
Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid.
Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.
The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.
They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.
When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly.
That’s incredible!!
Studies show that there is a logical reason behind the concerted resilience demonstrated by the Japanese. The sense of community is very powerful in Japan. The sense of individuality is never in the forefront of the Japanese culture. The Japanese culture is identified with a "cruise ship" more than a "ferry ride". A cruise ship is where the co-passengers are interacting and caring for each other where as it is more of business-as-usual in a ferry ride.
Most of the developed countries are founded on the basis of compassion for humanity. In comparison to an underdeveloped or a developing country, the developed countries definitely demonstrate more compassion for humanity with in and across its borders. However, the compassion and resilience that the Japanese have demonstrated over the past centuries stands out of any other culture in this world.
In 1923, earthquake in Tokyo killed 142,800 and then in 1995, earthquake in Kobe killed 6,400. The Japanese moved on with more energy.
Following their crushing defeat during the Second World War, sealed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the same dominating spirit was redirected to rebuilding the shattered country. Addressing the nation in 1945, Emperor Hirohito famously said that, "we have resolved to endure the unendurable and suffer what is insufferable". And indeed, that is exactly what happened as the Japanese sprung back to become a world-leading industrial powerhouse.
One might argue that most of the cultures are becoming melting-pots that dilutes the togetherness of a culture. We could give thousands of excuses, but there is something mysterious (apart from the logical reasoning) about the Japanese that helps them hold their heads high with dignity even duirng the darkest moments.
"Compassion" is just a word in many constitutions around the world, but the Japanese have proved that they eat, drink and breath "Compassion" as part of their daily lives and how powerful of a force that can be when the latest and the greatest bleeding-edged technologies are shattered by the mighty force of mother nature.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
What on earth is going on?!
Science fiction has always captured our imagination through Hollywood in screening the wildest phenomenons from Star Wars to 2012. Thanks to the animation technology, it seems more real than "virtual reality".
What has been going on around the world lately is incredible, incomprehensible and, at times, seems like a science fiction movie. The series of social waves that have swept through Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Bahrain seems to continue without much hope for future. Just when the world witnessed the social waves with awe and reeled back into the normal life, earth quake of magnitude 9.0 strikes Japan, followed by tsunami and nuclear radiation. The Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto acknowledged that Japan is facing the worst crisis since World War II.
Only a few months back North Korea and Iran were hot topics across the world press. And, all of a sudden, there are no where in the vicinity of the Hot-Spots radar.
The world recession created the mad Gold rush and within a couple of days, the Gold prices nosedived to a three week low. Markets tumble as nuke crisis in Japan sparks risk aversion. Crude prices decline sharply. Companies like BMW are making statements like, "No one knows how the situation will further develop. It is extraordinarily difficult to shift to everday business after the shocking events in Japan." Japan is pumping billions of dollars into market to stabilize their economoy.
But the world chugs along. Indian fans are worried about India's World Cup aspirations. Manchester United is struggling with its losing spree. Irish fans are overjoyed by defeating the English in cricket.
The NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) have their own tactical plans already laid out to face the uncertainity. NRIs are busy discussing the stability of their foreign land and the possibilities of hedging against the potential of currency-depreciation, by converting the loaned amount from foreign currency to Indian Rupees. Hold on, wow!!, Indian Rupees is something that we do count on!! For now, at least.
During these uncertain times, blessed are those people who live in countries - both underdeveloped and developed - that were nurtured to be totally ignorant of the outside world. While most of the world is worried about their future, some of these people don't even know where Japan or Middle East is located on the map. Isolation does happen to be a virtue, sometimes!! But, disconnect with the outside world has cost the world - in terms of war and invasions - beyond human comprehension.
As the world witnesses incredible scenes of disasters and uncertainity, there are intriguing facts that come to light. How did all these disasters occur on the 26th?!
1 Gujarat India earthquake 26 Jan 2001
2 The Rhodes earthquake 26 June 1926
3 Taiwan earthquake 26 April 2010
4 Japan earthquake 26 Feb 2010
5 NE Japan earthquake 26 May 2003
6 NE Japan earthquake 26 July 2003
7 North America earthquake 26 Jan 1700
8 Yugoslav earthquake 26 July 1963
9 Aceh Tsunami 26 Dec 2004
10 Jogjakarta earthquake 26 May 2006
11 Tasik earthquake 26 June 2010
12 Mentawai Tsunami 26 Oct 2010
13 Merapi volcanic eruption 26 Oct 2010
14 Krakatau volcanic eruption 26 Aug 1883 ( 36,000 dead )
15 China earthquake 26 July 1976 ( 255,000 dead )
16 Portugal earthquake 26 Jan 1951 ( 30,000 dead )
17 Kansu, China earthquake 26 Dec 1932 ( 70,000 dead )
18 Turkey earthquake 26 Dec 1939 ( 41,000 dead )
19 Sabah Tidal waves 26 Dec 1996 ( 1,000 dead )
20 Bam, Iran earthquake 26 Dec 2003 ( 60,000 dead )
What on earth is going on?! Only God knows!
But, as long as you are alive, be thankful and stay the course.
What has been going on around the world lately is incredible, incomprehensible and, at times, seems like a science fiction movie. The series of social waves that have swept through Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Bahrain seems to continue without much hope for future. Just when the world witnessed the social waves with awe and reeled back into the normal life, earth quake of magnitude 9.0 strikes Japan, followed by tsunami and nuclear radiation. The Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto acknowledged that Japan is facing the worst crisis since World War II.
Only a few months back North Korea and Iran were hot topics across the world press. And, all of a sudden, there are no where in the vicinity of the Hot-Spots radar.
The world recession created the mad Gold rush and within a couple of days, the Gold prices nosedived to a three week low. Markets tumble as nuke crisis in Japan sparks risk aversion. Crude prices decline sharply. Companies like BMW are making statements like, "No one knows how the situation will further develop. It is extraordinarily difficult to shift to everday business after the shocking events in Japan." Japan is pumping billions of dollars into market to stabilize their economoy.
But the world chugs along. Indian fans are worried about India's World Cup aspirations. Manchester United is struggling with its losing spree. Irish fans are overjoyed by defeating the English in cricket.
The NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) have their own tactical plans already laid out to face the uncertainity. NRIs are busy discussing the stability of their foreign land and the possibilities of hedging against the potential of currency-depreciation, by converting the loaned amount from foreign currency to Indian Rupees. Hold on, wow!!, Indian Rupees is something that we do count on!! For now, at least.
During these uncertain times, blessed are those people who live in countries - both underdeveloped and developed - that were nurtured to be totally ignorant of the outside world. While most of the world is worried about their future, some of these people don't even know where Japan or Middle East is located on the map. Isolation does happen to be a virtue, sometimes!! But, disconnect with the outside world has cost the world - in terms of war and invasions - beyond human comprehension.
As the world witnesses incredible scenes of disasters and uncertainity, there are intriguing facts that come to light. How did all these disasters occur on the 26th?!
1 Gujarat India earthquake 26 Jan 2001
2 The Rhodes earthquake 26 June 1926
3 Taiwan earthquake 26 April 2010
4 Japan earthquake 26 Feb 2010
5 NE Japan earthquake 26 May 2003
6 NE Japan earthquake 26 July 2003
7 North America earthquake 26 Jan 1700
8 Yugoslav earthquake 26 July 1963
9 Aceh Tsunami 26 Dec 2004
10 Jogjakarta earthquake 26 May 2006
11 Tasik earthquake 26 June 2010
12 Mentawai Tsunami 26 Oct 2010
13 Merapi volcanic eruption 26 Oct 2010
14 Krakatau volcanic eruption 26 Aug 1883 ( 36,000 dead )
15 China earthquake 26 July 1976 ( 255,000 dead )
16 Portugal earthquake 26 Jan 1951 ( 30,000 dead )
17 Kansu, China earthquake 26 Dec 1932 ( 70,000 dead )
18 Turkey earthquake 26 Dec 1939 ( 41,000 dead )
19 Sabah Tidal waves 26 Dec 1996 ( 1,000 dead )
20 Bam, Iran earthquake 26 Dec 2003 ( 60,000 dead )
What on earth is going on?! Only God knows!
But, as long as you are alive, be thankful and stay the course.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Gandhiji's Facebook
War cost a fortune, millions of lives, social disruption etc. For some of us, this must have been an once-in-a-lifetime experience to witness and for most of us, fortunately, it is all hearsay.
Invading Iraq was a collosal waste of innocent lives and resources. Iraq and Afganistan wars have cost the American taxpayers over USD 1 Trillion (estimated). The total GDP of all the 52 countries in Africa is over USD 1 Trillion !! How about that?! Incredible!! The US Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, made a lot of sense in delivering this punchline:
“In my opinion, any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should ‘have his head examined,’ as General MacArthur so delicately put it,”
All you can say is "What on earth were you thinking?!"
This kind of a military invasion is an entirely different ballgame played by the mightiest and resourceful superpowers and, as a result, we are witnessing the pain and suffering of humanity. And, the best part is that it is not over.
In 2011, we have started witnessing another kind of invasion which is, one way or the other, more aligned with Gandhiji's "ahimsa" and "satyagraha". This is a virtual invasion of not just one country, but an entire region. One need to get a visa and cross the border of a country. Thanks to the internet, especially the Facebook. All one needs is a computer-linked-to-net.
Just imagine, one fine morning a bunch of enthusiasts pick a country, creates a forum and starts stiring the human emotions. There you go. A revolution begins.
It sounds that simple. Well, it is, indeed, not that simple. However, think "Invasion of Iraq" and you might concur that it is simple. Thanks to advancement of human race in Communication Systems.
Just to get a fundamentally contrasting perspective, let us shift gears to the British Raj in India over 64 years back. It is incredible to imagine that world which was so disconnected and disconcerted with out Internet or Facebook.
And now, imagine spreading the nationalist fervor to the masses, mostly poor and illetrate, with no internet or facebook. Well, one needs a solemn power to accomplish that. That is how best we could describe Gandhiji's power, grit, determination, desire, ability, patience, perseverance.
Gandhiji spread his message partly through the press, writing and editing both ‘Indian Opinion’ and ‘Young India’. Gandhiji was a prolific writer. For decades he edited several newspapers including Harijan in Gujarati, in Hindi and in the English language.
Internet might not have made much sense considering the economic status of Indians then. And no wonder, it took Gandhiji over 30 years to ignite a collective spirit in India (1915-1945). But, in today's world, Gandhiji's ideals are being semi-automated, so to speak, through facebook and it takes just a few months - not decades - to kindle the human spirit.
It took 30 years then. Now, perhaps, a few months!! Now, that is an improvement that humans can be proud of. Thanks to Gandhiji's Facebook.
Relevant blog: The Untamed Web ==>
Friday, February 18, 2011
My First 10k Run
It was absolutely intriguing to hear people talk about Running as if it is some kind of a solemn phenomenon.
"It is exhilarating"
"It is the epicenter of discipline, motivation, health, focus etc."
"Whatever you want to achieve, is very much within your control and Running can make you believe in that."
I wondered how on earth could this be possible?! If the secret of success could be that simple, then why do we not see that many people running?! Hmm, I wondered and got into running last month. I had to discover and experience the high myself.
I just couldn't resist. So, I started running. It is so true that the mind pushes the body and the body pushes the mind. Run...Run...Run. The "HIGH" feeling is very special and running in Oman makes it even more special. While you are about to throw the hat, the scenic Oman eases the pain and inspires anyone to run.
I set myself a target of 10km for 2011. On hearing my target, a marathon enthusiast smirked, "10km is nothing. You will do it in no time." Well, I did not believe it until today. I did my first 10K today. And, the feeling is incredible. Well, now I know that 10K is not much, but it is a significant step forward.
Now that the first target is done within one month, my subconscious mind has set a target of 21km - half marathon. Well, I guess, that's how addictive running can be.
"It is exhilarating"
"It is the epicenter of discipline, motivation, health, focus etc."
"Whatever you want to achieve, is very much within your control and Running can make you believe in that."
I wondered how on earth could this be possible?! If the secret of success could be that simple, then why do we not see that many people running?! Hmm, I wondered and got into running last month. I had to discover and experience the high myself.
I just couldn't resist. So, I started running. It is so true that the mind pushes the body and the body pushes the mind. Run...Run...Run. The "HIGH" feeling is very special and running in Oman makes it even more special. While you are about to throw the hat, the scenic Oman eases the pain and inspires anyone to run.
I set myself a target of 10km for 2011. On hearing my target, a marathon enthusiast smirked, "10km is nothing. You will do it in no time." Well, I did not believe it until today. I did my first 10K today. And, the feeling is incredible. Well, now I know that 10K is not much, but it is a significant step forward.
Now that the first target is done within one month, my subconscious mind has set a target of 21km - half marathon. Well, I guess, that's how addictive running can be.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
111 million people tuned in to watch the Super Bowl XLV and saw the Green Bay Packers lift the Super Bowl. Thanks to the Packer's defense and Andy Rodgers, of course. Most of the teams build their strong foundation with the defense.
"A strong defense and an aggressive offense is the key."
As a child I have seen my dad trying to get this phrase into the soccer players' heads when I used to tag along with him during soccer training sessions.
I have come to really comprehend and appreciate the phrase, as I started facing the world as a man. In essence, the defense is to have your fundamentals clearly understood and have an aggressive attitude in pursuing unexplored areas.
In the movie, 3 Idiots, Amir Khan has artistically and beautifully infiltrated the minds of the young with one of the secrets of SUCCESS: "All iz well." Amazing!! When a person is paranoid, the mind becomes too defensive and it is a disaster waiting to happen. Even worse is that people get used to a reactive lifestyle of "Procrastination".
From Super Bowl to My dad's soccer tips to Amir Khan, the concept is simple: No fear. How to achieve that? That too, in the Corporate world?!! At times, we hang to roles at Organizations hoping for that promotion and, as a result, end up as a frustrated whiner.
One of my close friends encapsulated the concept of "No Fear" in one word: RELEVANCE
Are you relating yourself to your Organization?
Are you relating yourself to the Industry?
In a nutshell, are you a "Frog in a well"? This limits our horizon, perception and, as a result, opportunities. When we relate ourselves to a greater and bigger world, it motivates us to get better and this strengthens our desire to rediscover ourselves, redefine priorities and, most importantly, take control of our lives. In the end, you are not at the mercy of your boss. It is the other way round.
People might get carried away and confuse fearlessness with recklessness. For sure, I have done this mistake once. I think it is not just about telling your mind to be fearless. Rather, you prepare yourself fundamentally and relate yourself with a greater and wider horizon. Rest assured, you will be in the FEARLESS zone.
Having entered the FEARLESS zone, sky is the limit.
"A strong defense and an aggressive offense is the key."
As a child I have seen my dad trying to get this phrase into the soccer players' heads when I used to tag along with him during soccer training sessions.
I have come to really comprehend and appreciate the phrase, as I started facing the world as a man. In essence, the defense is to have your fundamentals clearly understood and have an aggressive attitude in pursuing unexplored areas.
In the movie, 3 Idiots, Amir Khan has artistically and beautifully infiltrated the minds of the young with one of the secrets of SUCCESS: "All iz well." Amazing!! When a person is paranoid, the mind becomes too defensive and it is a disaster waiting to happen. Even worse is that people get used to a reactive lifestyle of "Procrastination".
From Super Bowl to My dad's soccer tips to Amir Khan, the concept is simple: No fear. How to achieve that? That too, in the Corporate world?!! At times, we hang to roles at Organizations hoping for that promotion and, as a result, end up as a frustrated whiner.
One of my close friends encapsulated the concept of "No Fear" in one word: RELEVANCE
Are you relating yourself to your Organization?
Are you relating yourself to the Industry?
In a nutshell, are you a "Frog in a well"? This limits our horizon, perception and, as a result, opportunities. When we relate ourselves to a greater and bigger world, it motivates us to get better and this strengthens our desire to rediscover ourselves, redefine priorities and, most importantly, take control of our lives. In the end, you are not at the mercy of your boss. It is the other way round.
People might get carried away and confuse fearlessness with recklessness. For sure, I have done this mistake once. I think it is not just about telling your mind to be fearless. Rather, you prepare yourself fundamentally and relate yourself with a greater and wider horizon. Rest assured, you will be in the FEARLESS zone.
Having entered the FEARLESS zone, sky is the limit.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The good old lifestyle for better health.
You will be served milk with turmeric and pepper!!
Body heat!!
You will be given the option of selecting the least torturous option: oil massage or fenugreek!!
To fight cancer, you will be stuffed with one-tomato-a-day as a precautionary measure!!
We wondered! Where the heavens did this grandma come from?! We dreaded those times of misery and would do anything to get away. We were subdued by sheer physical power to dump that organic medicine into our body. Most of the time, physical force is not required. I am sure we all remember the infamous look by our parents or grandma that would have wilted a starched collar or a stare that would have humbled Clint East Wood.
In retrospect, we all have our fond memories of someone who took care of us in an organic lifestyle. Now, having become parents we long for those days and feel sad that those organic lifestyles are almost extinct.
Invariably, in every household, there is a cupboard dedicated for organizing the pills-of-the-family. Thanks to the fast paced lifestyle of one-pill-solution for everything. What about after effects?! Who cares?! If I can get through today, I am fine.
Having grown up in a village for 18 years, we had Organic food and we were not aware of inorganic food. On the contrary, fancy tinned food was a luxury and we used to look at it with such admiration.
Like many others, I have spent a significant part of my weekend life in buying groceries - during my 10 years in the US and Canada - at supermarkets. Every single time I walk into a supermarket there is one very small - but expensive - aisle that makes me smirk to myself. It is the Organic section. This is the pinnacle of hypocrisy: We humans have evolved and advanced so much especially in Health and Medicine and, yet, there is hardly any food item that is without preservatives and artificial flavors.
India was immune to this human weakness. Not anymore. On my recent visit to India, I was shocked to see the pride of people in demonstrating their Coke and Pepsi, trying so hard to get accepted in a certain social class. Thanks to the power of advertising!!
About a decade back, I too was blinded by the euphoria of fanciful preserved food. But, I have turned the corner and have realized the values of good old healthy habits. Since then I have hardly gone to the doctor or had a pill. But, it took me so many years to cultivate certain habits. Over the years, I have practiced certain good habits which have made me a better person. I thought of sharing some of them...
• Drink 1 litre of water first thing in the morning to cleanse your bowel.
• Milk with oat bran for breakfast. Add some honey for sweetness. Do not add honey when the oats is hot.
• Have a sandwich around 11 am.
• Have salads for lunch or dinner. Salad can have Iceberg Lettuce, Baby Carrots, One Tomato, Sunflower seeds. You can be creative in selecting the vegetable as per your taste. For salad dressings, I like Thousand Island.
• Have a snack around 3pm: Almonds or Digestive biscuits
• For dinner, I love to have healthy Chinese stir-fry preferably using Olive oil. Typically, I have my dinner at 6pm and then a cup of milk at 9pm.
• After every meal, I have a cup of green tea (after one hour from the meal time).
Yes, it might sound crazy, but you will get used to it, especially if you are physically active in terms of running or swimming or walking. Exercise is an important part of the lifestyle and it can prove to be a great motivator to restrict you to healthy food.
Hey, I heard that.
I am not a sick minded nut to follow such a routine. In fact, I surprise most of my friends with my junk-food habits. I do take breaks from this routine. I pat myself on my back by treating myself with a juicy, deep-fried, high cholestrol burger from KFC, occasionally. I have never missed a week without a double toasted Sesame Bagel with two layers of herb & garlic cream cheese. I used to have a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts at a time. I don’t miss a chance to have that roadside pani puri. I try not to notice where the vendor is scratching with his fingers before dipping his hands into the the pani-pot. (Yikes, at times, I am disgusting!) But, the point is that I do enjoy life.
I think we are constantly looking for solutions - in the shelves of the supermarkets – to fix our health problems. A bit of reflection into our own once-upon-a-time forgotten simple and healthy lifestyle will pave the way for a healthy future.
So you want to enjoy life? Stock up your immune system with plenty of greens and anti-oxidants. You can have guilt-free Krispy Kreme donuts and plenty of quarter-pounders at McDonalds.
Good luck. Have A HEALTHY AND A HAPPY 2011.
You will be served milk with turmeric and pepper!!
Body heat!!
You will be given the option of selecting the least torturous option: oil massage or fenugreek!!
To fight cancer, you will be stuffed with one-tomato-a-day as a precautionary measure!!
We wondered! Where the heavens did this grandma come from?! We dreaded those times of misery and would do anything to get away. We were subdued by sheer physical power to dump that organic medicine into our body. Most of the time, physical force is not required. I am sure we all remember the infamous look by our parents or grandma that would have wilted a starched collar or a stare that would have humbled Clint East Wood.
In retrospect, we all have our fond memories of someone who took care of us in an organic lifestyle. Now, having become parents we long for those days and feel sad that those organic lifestyles are almost extinct.
Invariably, in every household, there is a cupboard dedicated for organizing the pills-of-the-family. Thanks to the fast paced lifestyle of one-pill-solution for everything. What about after effects?! Who cares?! If I can get through today, I am fine.
Having grown up in a village for 18 years, we had Organic food and we were not aware of inorganic food. On the contrary, fancy tinned food was a luxury and we used to look at it with such admiration.
Like many others, I have spent a significant part of my weekend life in buying groceries - during my 10 years in the US and Canada - at supermarkets. Every single time I walk into a supermarket there is one very small - but expensive - aisle that makes me smirk to myself. It is the Organic section. This is the pinnacle of hypocrisy: We humans have evolved and advanced so much especially in Health and Medicine and, yet, there is hardly any food item that is without preservatives and artificial flavors.
India was immune to this human weakness. Not anymore. On my recent visit to India, I was shocked to see the pride of people in demonstrating their Coke and Pepsi, trying so hard to get accepted in a certain social class. Thanks to the power of advertising!!
About a decade back, I too was blinded by the euphoria of fanciful preserved food. But, I have turned the corner and have realized the values of good old healthy habits. Since then I have hardly gone to the doctor or had a pill. But, it took me so many years to cultivate certain habits. Over the years, I have practiced certain good habits which have made me a better person. I thought of sharing some of them...
• Drink 1 litre of water first thing in the morning to cleanse your bowel.
• Milk with oat bran for breakfast. Add some honey for sweetness. Do not add honey when the oats is hot.
• Have a sandwich around 11 am.
• Have salads for lunch or dinner. Salad can have Iceberg Lettuce, Baby Carrots, One Tomato, Sunflower seeds. You can be creative in selecting the vegetable as per your taste. For salad dressings, I like Thousand Island.
• Have a snack around 3pm: Almonds or Digestive biscuits
• For dinner, I love to have healthy Chinese stir-fry preferably using Olive oil. Typically, I have my dinner at 6pm and then a cup of milk at 9pm.
• After every meal, I have a cup of green tea (after one hour from the meal time).
Yes, it might sound crazy, but you will get used to it, especially if you are physically active in terms of running or swimming or walking. Exercise is an important part of the lifestyle and it can prove to be a great motivator to restrict you to healthy food.
Hey, I heard that.
I am not a sick minded nut to follow such a routine. In fact, I surprise most of my friends with my junk-food habits. I do take breaks from this routine. I pat myself on my back by treating myself with a juicy, deep-fried, high cholestrol burger from KFC, occasionally. I have never missed a week without a double toasted Sesame Bagel with two layers of herb & garlic cream cheese. I used to have a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts at a time. I don’t miss a chance to have that roadside pani puri. I try not to notice where the vendor is scratching with his fingers before dipping his hands into the the pani-pot. (Yikes, at times, I am disgusting!) But, the point is that I do enjoy life.
I think we are constantly looking for solutions - in the shelves of the supermarkets – to fix our health problems. A bit of reflection into our own once-upon-a-time forgotten simple and healthy lifestyle will pave the way for a healthy future.
So you want to enjoy life? Stock up your immune system with plenty of greens and anti-oxidants. You can have guilt-free Krispy Kreme donuts and plenty of quarter-pounders at McDonalds.
Good luck. Have A HEALTHY AND A HAPPY 2011.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Have a blessed, garbage-free day!
Honking. The majestic middle finger. The French vocabulary. Road Rage. A driver (talking on a mobile) in front of your car doing 60 miles per hour on the fast lane. A rich poser racing the engine of a huge SUV while waiting at a traffic light. A discourteous punk trying to get ahead of the queue of people, anxiously waiting for their dose of morning caffeine at a Coffee Shop. People pretending to not notice you as you wave at them to hold the elevator. The colleague who always blesses your day with a venomous email.
That pretty much sounds like a morning routine around the world, ehh. So, how do most of us react to this uncaring and discourteous environment? We smile and start another great day by saying, "What a wonderful world?!!
Right? No, wrong.
Most of us are no less competitive. Even if it is our own fault, we have our set of defensive-vocabulary-kits and tactics to pay such punks back. We would find a great excuse for the day to be grumpy and generously share the irritation to anyone who dares to come in the way. And, nothing makes us more happy than seeing the punk getting annoyed.
Humans, ehh!!
Our parents used to say, "Just ignore." It is easier said that done. Isn't it!!
Recently, a friend of mine had sent a simple story which made a strong impact in my life. And, amazingly, it has helped me shrug off any such punks at any time of the day or night, with a smile. Here it is.
The Law of the Garbage Truck
One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches!
The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly.
So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'
This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.
Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
So ... Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
Have a blessed, garbage-free day!
That pretty much sounds like a morning routine around the world, ehh. So, how do most of us react to this uncaring and discourteous environment? We smile and start another great day by saying, "What a wonderful world?!!
Right? No, wrong.
Most of us are no less competitive. Even if it is our own fault, we have our set of defensive-vocabulary-kits and tactics to pay such punks back. We would find a great excuse for the day to be grumpy and generously share the irritation to anyone who dares to come in the way. And, nothing makes us more happy than seeing the punk getting annoyed.
Humans, ehh!!
Our parents used to say, "Just ignore." It is easier said that done. Isn't it!!
Recently, a friend of mine had sent a simple story which made a strong impact in my life. And, amazingly, it has helped me shrug off any such punks at any time of the day or night, with a smile. Here it is.
The Law of the Garbage Truck
One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches!
The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly.
So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'
This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.
Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
So ... Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
Have a blessed, garbage-free day!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Decoding one of the world’s greatest mysteries: your woman
Intriguing topics develop during water-cooler conversations at work.
“I did not know that a snake has been living in my car for weeks…..and I was not aware of that except for the hissing sound which I thought was a fault in the car.”
“My car spun over 6 times on 401 and I escaped unscathed….”
Thanks to many such real life stories that helps us drive our blues away.
One common story that jumps out is about the better halves. Yeah. “She did this, she did that…..I cannot live with it and I cannot live without it…..”
My American friends and I used to debate a lot about cultures and marriages of USA vs India. They used to tease me in a friendly way saying, “How on earth can you marry someone whom your parents think is suitable for you?!! I can never do that!!” I shoot back with a wry smile, “Because I do not want to have 4 kids from 4 different marriages.” Typically, my friends let me have the last word in this topic.
I listened to a sermon in a Church during a wedding. I learnt something priceless. The priest said that over 50% of the marriages fail in North America and when he counseled couples with marital problems, the common answer that heard was, “He or She is not the right person for me.” It was a very powerful and intense sermon and the priest had already captured the attention of everyone in the church. As the priest was about to conclude with the secret of a successful married life, I am sure it woke a lot of people who were day dreaming. (I sure did.) The priest concluded with an impressive punch line: “It is not about finding the right person. It is about being the right person.”
I am no philosopher, especially in this topic. However, since then, I have made consistent efforts to decode the secret of making a wife happy. It has been over 13 years and I am not even done scratching the surface. But, I did not feel bad about my efforts and it made me feel better when I discussed this topic with my 60 year old friend who snickered at me saying, “Yeah, right! I have been doing that for 40 years and I have reached nowhere.”
But, hey, it is not all that bad and there are definitely perks in learning certain exceptional diplomatic finesse. Stop laughing. You will need this. Good luck. Here we go....
Always be yourself
Women are much more attracted to men who display a lot of self-confidence.' You must have seen guys that are none too attractive with a beautiful woman. This is because she is attracted to his self-esteem and personality, which actually make an ugly guy look attractive.
Little things count
If you know she needs help with something, just do it without asking because she will feel like you really do notice what is going on and she will love you for it. Woman do notice and appreciate these things.
Don't take her for granted
Let her know every day, or at least whenever you are with her, that she is special to you and you want to be with her and no one else. A woman wants to feel like she is the most beautiful in the room in your eyes, so if you want to keep your woman happy, make sure she feels that way.
Make her laugh
Women love men with a good sense of humour even though men seem to think that it's good looks that attract a woman. If you can make a woman laugh, she will be much more likely to feel connected to you.
Be sensitive
Try to be aware of how she is feeling. If you are sensitive to whatever she may be going through, she will be aware of it and will definitely appreciate that you care enough to pay attention.
In case, I have rekindled your misery, I apologize. But, if it is any consolation, please read the following:
You are strongly advised not to get carried away and try the following at home. These were tried by highly frustrated men with no brains. But, in case you try to be Mr. Smarty Pants, I am not responsible for any reaction from the folks of Venus (Men are from Mars. Right?!).
Why doesn't law permit a man to marry a second woman?
Because as per law you cannot be punished twice for the same offense!
Man: Is there any way for longlife?
Dr: Get married.
Man: Will it help?
Dr: No, but the thought of longlife will never come.
Why do couples hold hands during their wedding?
It's a formality just like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins!
Wife:Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?
Husband: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.
It's funny when people discuss Love Marriage vs Arranged.
It's like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered.
It is difficult to understand GOD. He makes such beautiful things as women and then he turns them into Wives.
Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you say. After marriage, he'll fall asleep before you finish.
There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage.
Girlfriends are like chocolates, taste good anytime.
Lovers are like PIZZAS, Hot n spicy, eaten frequently.
Husbands are like Dal RICE, eaten when there's no choice.
Man receives telegram: Wife dead-should be buried or cremated?
Man: Don't take any chances. Burn the body and bury the ash.
Prospective husband:
Do you have a book called 'Man, The Master of Women'?
Salesgirl: The fiction department is on the other side, sir.
There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go through hell for her. They got married and now he is going thru hell.
Fact of life: One woman brings you into this world crying & the other ensures you continue to do so for the rest of your life!
“I did not know that a snake has been living in my car for weeks…..and I was not aware of that except for the hissing sound which I thought was a fault in the car.”
“My car spun over 6 times on 401 and I escaped unscathed….”
Thanks to many such real life stories that helps us drive our blues away.
One common story that jumps out is about the better halves. Yeah. “She did this, she did that…..I cannot live with it and I cannot live without it…..”
My American friends and I used to debate a lot about cultures and marriages of USA vs India. They used to tease me in a friendly way saying, “How on earth can you marry someone whom your parents think is suitable for you?!! I can never do that!!” I shoot back with a wry smile, “Because I do not want to have 4 kids from 4 different marriages.” Typically, my friends let me have the last word in this topic.
I listened to a sermon in a Church during a wedding. I learnt something priceless. The priest said that over 50% of the marriages fail in North America and when he counseled couples with marital problems, the common answer that heard was, “He or She is not the right person for me.” It was a very powerful and intense sermon and the priest had already captured the attention of everyone in the church. As the priest was about to conclude with the secret of a successful married life, I am sure it woke a lot of people who were day dreaming. (I sure did.) The priest concluded with an impressive punch line: “It is not about finding the right person. It is about being the right person.”
I am no philosopher, especially in this topic. However, since then, I have made consistent efforts to decode the secret of making a wife happy. It has been over 13 years and I am not even done scratching the surface. But, I did not feel bad about my efforts and it made me feel better when I discussed this topic with my 60 year old friend who snickered at me saying, “Yeah, right! I have been doing that for 40 years and I have reached nowhere.”
But, hey, it is not all that bad and there are definitely perks in learning certain exceptional diplomatic finesse. Stop laughing. You will need this. Good luck. Here we go....
Always be yourself
Women are much more attracted to men who display a lot of self-confidence.' You must have seen guys that are none too attractive with a beautiful woman. This is because she is attracted to his self-esteem and personality, which actually make an ugly guy look attractive.
Little things count
If you know she needs help with something, just do it without asking because she will feel like you really do notice what is going on and she will love you for it. Woman do notice and appreciate these things.
Don't take her for granted
Let her know every day, or at least whenever you are with her, that she is special to you and you want to be with her and no one else. A woman wants to feel like she is the most beautiful in the room in your eyes, so if you want to keep your woman happy, make sure she feels that way.
Make her laugh
Women love men with a good sense of humour even though men seem to think that it's good looks that attract a woman. If you can make a woman laugh, she will be much more likely to feel connected to you.
Be sensitive
Try to be aware of how she is feeling. If you are sensitive to whatever she may be going through, she will be aware of it and will definitely appreciate that you care enough to pay attention.
In case, I have rekindled your misery, I apologize. But, if it is any consolation, please read the following:
You are strongly advised not to get carried away and try the following at home. These were tried by highly frustrated men with no brains. But, in case you try to be Mr. Smarty Pants, I am not responsible for any reaction from the folks of Venus (Men are from Mars. Right?!).
Why doesn't law permit a man to marry a second woman?
Because as per law you cannot be punished twice for the same offense!
Man: Is there any way for longlife?
Dr: Get married.
Man: Will it help?
Dr: No, but the thought of longlife will never come.
Why do couples hold hands during their wedding?
It's a formality just like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins!
Wife:Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?
Husband: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.
It's funny when people discuss Love Marriage vs Arranged.
It's like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered.
It is difficult to understand GOD. He makes such beautiful things as women and then he turns them into Wives.
Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you say. After marriage, he'll fall asleep before you finish.
There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage.
Girlfriends are like chocolates, taste good anytime.
Lovers are like PIZZAS, Hot n spicy, eaten frequently.
Husbands are like Dal RICE, eaten when there's no choice.
Man receives telegram: Wife dead-should be buried or cremated?
Man: Don't take any chances. Burn the body and bury the ash.
Prospective husband:
Do you have a book called 'Man, The Master of Women'?
Salesgirl: The fiction department is on the other side, sir.
There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go through hell for her. They got married and now he is going thru hell.
Fact of life: One woman brings you into this world crying & the other ensures you continue to do so for the rest of your life!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Untamed Web
For over a century, propaganda war has been one of the greatest weapons among the countries and blocks. From Hitler to the WMD gaffe, the mighty and the powerful have used the media to convince the masses across the world about stories that never happened. In retrospect, it appears as if the past and future events were premeditated, orchestrated and implemented with impeccable precision. Thank God, the premeditated and orchestrated outcomes of such events are not predictable.
But, since the dawn of the internet era, the clout on the propaganda game is shifting towards a small group of people from different countries and ethnic groups. They might be small, but their collective power has helped topple governments and shutdown biggest corporations. They might look different and speak different languages. But, they all have a common goal: Fight against the unjust. And, the superpowers or the rich or the powerful can do nothing about it. Thanks to the Web and Social Networking. It is called the Cyber War.
This is how it works to wage a Cyber War.
All you need is to mobilize an intensely fast-paced Internet forum with hundreds of determined activists and a simple piece of software called a Low Orbit Ion Cannon. Activists choose targets by consensus, download the LOIC – initially developed to help Internet security experts test website vulnerability to DDoS attacks – and start firing packets of data at the targeted website.
• Role in Tunisia’s “Jasmine Revolution”.
• Wikileaks-inspired attacks on Mastercard and Visa.
• Attack on Zimbabwe government (seen as enemies of free speech).
• Attack on Estonian government (due to a row between Estonia and Russia)
There have been reports about Tunisian inspired demonstrations in Yemen and Algeria. I can imagine a group of activist working day and night to facilitate demonstrations and add fuel to fire. Most of these activists claim that they do not have bad intentions and they consider themselves as good Samaritans fighting for the weak against the unjust powers.
Pen is mightier than the sword. Cliché, but it is apt for any generation, as it reflects the power of the human mind and spirit. Books and Newspapers are used to rekindle the human spirit, but the power of it has lost its thrust and reliance, as most of the World events are perceived by the public as orchestrated. Thanks to the Corporations that have tamed the offline media.
The Internet has evolved as an effective online platform for Social Networking. The intuitiveness and accessibility of the Internet for the masses has made it so powerful and intensive to stir the human spirit across boundaries.
Thanks to the untamed Web. At least, it is untamed for now.......
But, since the dawn of the internet era, the clout on the propaganda game is shifting towards a small group of people from different countries and ethnic groups. They might be small, but their collective power has helped topple governments and shutdown biggest corporations. They might look different and speak different languages. But, they all have a common goal: Fight against the unjust. And, the superpowers or the rich or the powerful can do nothing about it. Thanks to the Web and Social Networking. It is called the Cyber War.
This is how it works to wage a Cyber War.
All you need is to mobilize an intensely fast-paced Internet forum with hundreds of determined activists and a simple piece of software called a Low Orbit Ion Cannon. Activists choose targets by consensus, download the LOIC – initially developed to help Internet security experts test website vulnerability to DDoS attacks – and start firing packets of data at the targeted website.
• Role in Tunisia’s “Jasmine Revolution”.
• Wikileaks-inspired attacks on Mastercard and Visa.
• Attack on Zimbabwe government (seen as enemies of free speech).
• Attack on Estonian government (due to a row between Estonia and Russia)
There have been reports about Tunisian inspired demonstrations in Yemen and Algeria. I can imagine a group of activist working day and night to facilitate demonstrations and add fuel to fire. Most of these activists claim that they do not have bad intentions and they consider themselves as good Samaritans fighting for the weak against the unjust powers.
Pen is mightier than the sword. Cliché, but it is apt for any generation, as it reflects the power of the human mind and spirit. Books and Newspapers are used to rekindle the human spirit, but the power of it has lost its thrust and reliance, as most of the World events are perceived by the public as orchestrated. Thanks to the Corporations that have tamed the offline media.
The Internet has evolved as an effective online platform for Social Networking. The intuitiveness and accessibility of the Internet for the masses has made it so powerful and intensive to stir the human spirit across boundaries.
Thanks to the untamed Web. At least, it is untamed for now.......
Saturday, January 22, 2011
99 Years Young!! And, still pursuing excellence!!

My friend inspired me to start running, during my recent trip to Mumbai. It was electrifying to just hear the dedication of common people to run marathons irrespective of their long work hours, long commute, financial limitations etc. I felt so small. So with so much enthusiasm, I started running and magically, I seemed to have inspired a couple of friends who readily joined me for the run. Setting a target of 21 km by the end of 2011, I ran 5 km last weekend and 6 km this weekend. It was a beautiful feeling!! But, the day after, the feeling was not all that great. My knees hurt like hell. Although I had done enough study on pronation, I was not wearing the arch-foot-pad inside my shoe. Although I knew that this pain will fade away, my apprehensions about knee injury grew. And, that is when I read this inspiring story of a 99 year old Sikh man who is a World Record holder in marathon!!
Fauja Singh (born April 1, 1911) started running at the age of 81 and holds a world record in his age bracket. Fauja has participated in innumerable competitions worldwide, his fame prompting then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf to invite him to run in the inaugural Lahore Marathon in January 2005. He holds 12 Commonwealth, European and British records for his age-group, ran as one of the torch-bearers for the Athens Olympics in 2004 and was chosen, in 2005, as the Official Starter of the second biggest marathon in the UK, held in Edinburgh.
Fauja has broken bread at the Buckingham Palace with the Queen, who awarded him the runner-up award of Living Legend at Windsor Castle in 2006. More recently, Fauja was part of the Queen's Baton Relay, when it was flagged off in London as the run-up to the Commonwealth Games 2010 to be held in Delhi later this year.

His indefatigable spirit has won him a legion of fans. Impressed, sportswear giant Adidas chose Fauja to feature alongside David Beckham on its ‘Impossible is Nothing' campaign. Not only was his face splashed on huge billboards globally in 2004, Adidas named a shoe-range in his honor. And to think Fauja hadn't heard of Beckham until he was contacted for the ad campaign!
About the campaign, Fauja recalls, "My grandsons told me he was a very famous boy who played football. I was taken to a big stadium where they took my photos. Later, they gave me these shoes." He excitedly rolls up his trousers to reveal trainers named after him.
From living in a small town, Beas Pind in Punjab, for most part of his life - where his only skill was growing sugarcane and wheat - to becoming the poster boy for a whole generation of marathon athletes, the story of Fauja's life reads like fiction. But the marathon man ascribes his tremendous feats to God.
He came to live in the United Kingdom after he lost his wife and a son in quick succession over two decades ago, and moved in with another son in East London. Unable to cope with the bereavement and loneliness of living in a foreign country, a desperate Fauja realized he needed something that could alleviate his pain and infuse a sense of purpose in his otherwise vapid life. Before long, he rediscovered the passion of his youth. Fauja started running.
• Rediscovered at age of 81
• Marathons run: London (5), Toronto (1), New York (1)
• Marathon debut: London, 2000, aged 89
• London Flora Marathon 2000: 6:54
• London Flora Marathon 2001: 6:54
• London Flora Marathon 2002: 6:45
• Bupa Great North Run (Half Marathon) 2002: 2:39
• London Flora Marathon 2003: 6:02
• Toronto Waterfront Marathon 2003: 5:40
• New York City Marathon 2003: 7:35
• London Flora Marathon 2004: 6:07
• Glasgow City Half Marathon 2004: 2:33
• Capital Radio Help a London Child 10,000 m 2004: 1:08
• Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon 2004: 2:29:59
Incredible!! Inspiring!!
I am hitting 40 and I wonder if I have not achieved anything. My restless mind constantly explores passions and avenues to excel, hoping for excellence and achievements. I feel that I am running out of time. Not anymore. Fauja Singh inspires me to continue the exploration and strengthens my spirit to excel.
A humble salute to Fauja Singh.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Oman, a safe haven.....

It was just another day for me to make a living. It was snowing heavily. The chilling cold had slowed my pace of everything to get ready to work. As I enter the company campus, there are a series of parallel things-to-do running in my mind. Well, things are not of saving-the-world in nature. It is mostly checking the Application, Database etc. I sigh and let go of my body to freefall on a cushioned chair. To my surprise, I am denied access to the Computer Network. Come on, now!! I control everything in the computer systems. I might have typed the password wrong. As I carefully retype my user credentials, I could sense somebody approaching from behind. In a haste, as I turned, the first thing that I saw was a huge belly and a holster with a gun. A deep voice said, “Sir, can I escort you to the Director’s office”. Guess what? I was being laid off. I said to myself, ”Welcome to America”. (Well, there is good side of America as well.) This was my Boston days in 2002. It was post-911 and finding a job was difficult than conquering Mount Everest. Anyways, I shrugged off the problems and got through somehow. But, this incident made a strong impact in my simple, humble history.
Now, having moved to Oman, in an effort to escape the rat race, explore other cultures and not lose control of my life, I can appreciate the Omani Beauty. Orderly life, no social unrest, no mass layoffs, stable economy, almost perfectly balanced family life, assured annual vacations, not much of traffic jams, a country that truly admires her leader etc. The list is very, very long. Oman has developed to be a very peaceful and progressive country because of a well planned and architected vision by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.
Most of all, I am truly impressed with the Omani people. The kind of respect that the Omani people show to the expatriates is incredible. I am very grateful to Omani people for such show respect and hospitality. I am sure most of the expatriates feel that way.
Having worked in other extreme conditions, I am perhaps one of the very few that appreciate Oman life than most people living in Oman, including Omanis. I guess, Oman life is the other extreme of a chaotic, machine life. I call it my safe haven.
During 2008, when the after effects of the bubble-burst in the American economy was still shaking the World economy, most of the countries were panicking to clean up their backyard filled with the garbage of financial mismanagement. Even during these turbulent times, while many other countries were trying to hold themselves together to survive, Oman was rated as one of the top ten countries in the world that was immune to the disastrous financial shockwaves that rocked the World economy (It still is). Now, that is something to be proud of. Kudos to Oman, especially to its leader, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said!!
The Chief of United Nations, Ban ki-Moon, said “The progress the Omani people have achieved in 40 years is commendable and it is a shining light among the rest of the Arab countries. It is an enviable example to follow.”
Hillary Rodham Clinton, The United States Secretary of State, on her recent visit to Oman said “If I could take the magic formula of Oman’s growth in a bottle, I will take it to other countries in the region.”
Well, Oman’s success could not have been certified better!!
I came to Oman to explore and also take control of my life even if it meant compromising my professional growth and money potential. I am really glad that I found exactly what I wanted in this beautiful Safe Haven. Like many other expatriates who have ended up living in Oman for over 2 to 3 decades, I wish to live in this Safe Haven for a long time, if not for decades.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Vacationing in a Coastal Wonderland…..

I feel like I need a long vacation because I came back from my vacation just last week. This is such a cliché. Isn’t it? The vacation was great!! Very gratifying!!
Wonderland? Yes. A small coastal village located at the southern tip of the Indian Peninsula that has history of over 450 years. Christianity blossomed in the village as early as 1534. The village is called as Virpandianpatnam. In short, Patnam. Patnam has mostly Catholic population with over 6000 people and is sandwiched between a Hindu town in the south and a Muslim town in the North. The beauty of it is that all have lived together harmoniously for centuries.
Patnam is an intriguing place from all perspectives. The entire population is Catholic except for the floating population. There are over 10 churches. One of the churches is 125 years old. Almost all are related to one another, as most of the marriages are arranged among the villagers. For any wedding, almost half of the village is invited. For any funeral, the entire village is there to support. Every morning the villagers attend the mass at 5.15 am. For every Christmas, all the villagers living in different cities and countries make it a point to spend their Christmas vacation in Patnam. So it is not uncommon to see Patnam born Americans, Canadians, Australians, Singaporeans, Malaysians etc. roaming around Patnam during Christmas.
Yes, I grew up in this beautiful Patnam for over 18 years. When I visited Disney Land, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, The Alps, it was a great feeling. But, honestly, to be in Patnam, the feeling is priceless. I intend to retire in Patnam someday. I hope my dream comes true.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Credit Card Scams at Hotels
Human weakness is a hacker's paradise. Human weakness?! Pride, Overconfidence, Ignorance etc. And, I am not even talking about high-tech hacking. Common sense is good enough to qualify as a hacker. Here is a real-time example of how anyone with a fairly decent common sense can avail human weakness.
You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. When checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room). You get to your room and settle in. Someone calls the front desk and asked for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room).
Your phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following, 'This is the front desk. When checking in, we came across a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card.
Without much thought, you might give this person your information, since the call seems to come from the front desk. But actually, it is a scam of someone calling from outside the hotel/front desk. They ask for a random room number. Then, ask you for credit card information and address information. Sounding so professional that you do think you are talking to the front desk.
If you ever encounter this problem on your vacation, tell the caller that you will be down at the front desk to clear up any problems. Then, go to the front desk and ask if there was a problem. If there was none, inform the manager of the hotel that someone called to scam you of your credit card information acting like a front desk employee.
Never underestimate such fraudsters. They specialize in Human Weakness and they will get to you before you know it.
You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. When checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room). You get to your room and settle in. Someone calls the front desk and asked for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room).
Your phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following, 'This is the front desk. When checking in, we came across a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card.
Without much thought, you might give this person your information, since the call seems to come from the front desk. But actually, it is a scam of someone calling from outside the hotel/front desk. They ask for a random room number. Then, ask you for credit card information and address information. Sounding so professional that you do think you are talking to the front desk.
If you ever encounter this problem on your vacation, tell the caller that you will be down at the front desk to clear up any problems. Then, go to the front desk and ask if there was a problem. If there was none, inform the manager of the hotel that someone called to scam you of your credit card information acting like a front desk employee.
Never underestimate such fraudsters. They specialize in Human Weakness and they will get to you before you know it.
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